Doctor Educon

KIST Medical College Patan

The KIST medical college Nepal is among the best medical college in
Nepal. This medical college in Nepal offers world-class education to its
students and also provides training by professionals who excel in their
separate fields. The KIST medical college Kathmandu has been recently
established in the year 2006 and aims at providing a multi-disciplinary
framework to its students, along with the finest technology and some of
the greatest minds to offer their expert skills. This MBBS College in Nepal
has the goal to make every student of this college be ready to serve
everyone they can in the country, even in the remotest areas. KIST
medical college Nepal offers medical education in several clinical subjects
s uc h a s me d i c i n e , p ed i atri c s , de nt i s tr y, s ur ger y, e t c

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